We Go There.
So, here’s a fun fact about our flagship FFP software, iHAMMS, International Hotel Airline Mile Management System. We are globe-trotting...
LOYALTY means the same in ANY Language
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Strong Foundations Build Trust
As you may know, we are the World’s leading provider of Frequent Flyer Management Software connecting over 3,000 hotels to nearly 50...
The Cloud is a Real Place.
We have a saying around here. “When you trust the Cloud, the Sky’s the Limit” Our iHAMMS (International Hotel Airline Mileage Management...
Become a Member of Loyalty Royalty!
What’s in the word “loyalty?” A lot of meaning can be interwoven in this powerful word “loyalty.” Dating back as far as history can go,...
Please meet PLUGGIE!
We would like to introduce you to Pluggie. He’s our International Hotel Airline Mileage Management System mascot and represents what the...
What is iHAMMS?
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Why FFP?
Why FFP? Research shows that offering miles to customers increases market share, allows hotels to remain at the forefront of the...