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iHAMMS®  AutoBill

Automated Property Billing File for Loyalty Program Participation

An enhanced feature of the iHAMMS® system will also interface directly with your hotel's accounting platform to allow for automatically generated, fully reconciled hotel billing invoices for loyalty participation and associated fees.  This feature is known as iHAMMS® AutoBill.


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Features include:

  • Fully automated accounting file delivery on a monthly schedule

  • All transaction variables at property level to allow for maximum flexibility

  • Airline Billing for Base and Bonus Rates are fully customizable

  • Automated Currency Conversions for synthesized currency reporting at the corporate level

  • Automated VAT Tax Calculations for both Base and Bonus rates

  • Automatically generate individual hotel property invoices for FFP mileage and participation fees through your hotel's accounting platform

  • Individual Property Audit Files with every accounting file.  Ensures accurate invoicing and provides backup of every transaction and is available through a convenient hyperlink from within the accounting file.

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