Our Commitment During Troubled Times
Things have been rather uncertain for the travel industry in recent times. Here at Marker InfoComm Inc./iHAMMS/Easy FFP, we want our business partners to know we are committed to weathering this storm alongside each and every one of you. We expect the industry to have a resurgence after this temporary downturn while world health experts work diligently to combat the coronavirus crisis. In fact, in some areas of the world, hotels are reopening and soon enough, we will all be back in the skies, flying once again.
In preparation for the travel industry to make its inevitable comeback, we are committed to providing our business partners with continued global, world-class support. As airlines begin to take back to the skies and hotel occupancy ramps up, we will be here to help you reward your guests for their stay.
Data collected in recent various travel industry surveys surmise that people are ready to begin traveling as soon as it is safe to do so.
More than 50% of respondents say they'll book a trip in 2020, and most will do so as soon as travel restrictions are lifted. They want to travel.
72% of Americans indicated they’re already making plans to go on their next vacation, with 35 percent of those would-be travelers open to taking a trip as early as this summer, with 45% of those surveyed said that their travels would take them outside of the U.S. Bags are packed.
75% of respondents plan to travel with family, having spent so much time apart. They are ready to reunite with loved ones.
More than half of respondents intend to travel regionally or domestically, with over 50% of Americans planning to stay in the United States for their next trip. They are eager to explore their own backyards.
Despite a strong desire to stay regional, over 40% of respondents still want to travel to another continent. They want to see the world.
More than 80% will travel by air. They are ready to fly.
With just 8% of travelers worldwide not planning travel at all in 2020, there is great hope for an industry comeback. The future of our industry looks sunny and when our global citizens are no longer grounded, we will be here to help you keep them coming back again and again.
Liftoff is Coming and we are ready for Takeoff.
Offices: Orlando | Los Angeles
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