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What is iHAMMS?

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Well, for starters, iHAMMS is an acronym for International Hotel and Mileage Management System. First, we are International. There’s no place on the globe we can’t go. Secondly, the words Hotel and Mileage Management pack a punch. They go hand in hand. In essence, our software is the seamless liaison between hotels and airlines that effectively awards your guests with their valuable FFP rewards. Lastly, the acronym includes the word System. iHAMMS is a sophisticated software that handles many moving parts behind the scenes so that users have very little to handle at all.

We have multiple data collection tools and will work with your hotels to ensure the fastest and easiest way to award mileage – whether through your PMS, CRM, Loyalty Program or using an online data entry portal – we will customize a solution that fits your organization the best.

Have a closer look at the information to the right. Then, contact us today for a free consultation so WE CAN HELP YOU KEEP YOUR GUESTS LOYAL.


Offices: Orlando | Los Angeles

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