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LOYALTY means the same in ANY Language

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Sure, on a personal level, we are all loyal to our families, we pledge allegiance to our country’s flags and our pets are our lifelong loyal companions.

But what about with customers and keeping them loyal? What keeps them coming back again and again? How can you measure and manage your loyalty ratings with your valued customers?

Simple. Rewards. And specifically, Airline Mile Rewards.

Everyone likes to be rewarded for their loyalty. Offer them Frequent Flyer Miles in return for their qualified stay. This will encourage additional travel and repeat business.

But this is a two-way street. By using the iHAMMS Frequent Flyer Management software, you are able to quantify your guests’ loyalty. That’s right! You can look at your usage data and easily determine how the FFP program is working, what airlines are valued the most, what properties are rewarding their guests and all kinds of metrics and analysis with our comprehensive reporting tools.

A LOYAL customer is a repeat customer.

TRUST the FFP software that will keep them LOYAL.

When it comes to LOYALTY, there are no boundaries.

Loyalty | Lealtad|Loyalität | Fidélité |忠誠 |忠誠心

To learn more about iHAMMS services, please contact us today for a free consultation so we can help you keep your guests loyal.


Offices: Orlando | Los Angeles

Build Customer Loyalty.

Save time with Technology.

Refine Processes.

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